One Thing. Federal White Collar Defense.

A Nationwide White Collar and Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

I am a white collar and federal criminal defense attorney with offices in Washington, DC. I represent clients throughout the United States in all phases of a federal criminal case, including:

All Investigations

  • Federal criminal investigations: I represent targets, subjects, and witnesses in federal criminal investigations. The goal is simple: convince the government not to indict.
  • Grand jury investigations: Whether you received a target letter or a subpoena to appear before a grand jury, you still have real options that can limit your exposure to prosecution.
  • Corporate internal investigations: I represent employees caught up in corporate internal investigations conducted by their own companies, including investigations of alleged fraud, embezzlement, employee theft, and money laundering.
  • Insurance fraud inquiries: Insurance companies have their own well-funded private fraud units that investigate insurance fraud and then turn over the results of their investigations to prosecutors. I can help protect your rights at every stage of these inquiries.

Dedicated Defense Against Federal Fraud Charges

  • Wire and mail fraud: Using the mail, phone, fax, internet or other forms of communication in a scheme to unlawfully acquire money or property is considered to be wire and/or mail fraud. I have extensive experience defending against these charges.
  • Tax fraud: IRS criminal investigation division agents are extremely aggressive. If you are the subject of a tax fraud investigation, you need competent legal counsel as soon as possible.
  • Bank and mortgage fraud: Banks and mortgage lenders may orally encourage you to make a false statement on a loan application. But if you miss a payment, they won’t hesitate to refer your case to federal prosecutors.
  • Health care fraud: Failure to comply with the federal government’s complex and difficult to comprehend health care regulations and mandates can easily result in federal prosecution.
  • Securities and investment fraud: This can involve a wide range of criminal accusations, including insider trading, market manipulation, brokers’ misrepresentations to investors, fraudulent bitcoin marketing, and obstruction of SEC investigations. I understand how to protect clients from the pitfalls lurking throughout these investigations.

Defense Against Other White Collar Criminal Charges

  • Public corruption, bribery and Hobbs Act: I have represented individuals in cases involving alleged corruption by executives and public officials at the highest level.
  • Theft of federal program funds and property: From misuse of federal program funds to manipulation of SBA set-aside programs, I am prepared to help defend against charges of federal program fraud.
  • Export/import violations including arms shipments: I understand how to handle all export/import violation cases, including violations of the Arms Export Control Act and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).
  • False statements to government officials: It is a federal crime to lie to a government agent, even if you are not under oath or trying to cheat the government out of money. Get the legal representation you need if you have been accused of lying to a government agent.
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Prosecutions and investigations under the FCPA are at an all-time high. I can help give you legal protection.

Helping People in Post-Conviction Matters

  • Federal sentencing issues: There is no parole in the federal criminal justice system. If convicted, it is possible that you will serve at least 85 percent of your sentence. This makes the sentencing hearing a critical event. I have extensive experience at successfully obtaining substantial downward variances, up to and including probation, under federal sentencing guidelines.
  • Appeals: It is important to hire a competent federal appellate attorney at the earliest possible time after you have been convicted of a federal crime.

Contact an Embezzlement Defense Lawyer

If you are under investigation or have been accused or convicted of a federal crime, you need an experienced white collar criminal defense attorney. From offices in Washington, D.C., I represent clients nationwide.

Under Investigation or Charged with a Federal Crime? Contact us now.

Have A Question?

Solomon L. Wisenberg
Taylor English Duma LLP
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036