One Thing. Federal White Collar Defense.

Legal Help in Insurance Fraud Inquiries

The consequences of an insurance fraud investigation extend far beyond the repercussions of a denied insurance claim. You could end up in federal prison. I am a seasoned insurance fraud defense lawyer and I aggressively protect the interests of clients who are the subjects of insurance fraud inquiries. I also defend clients against federal charges of insurance fraud.

A Florida insurance broker was indicted on federal wire fraud charges in connection with an alleged scheme to pocket insurance premiums. I was hired after the indictment was returned. All charges were dropped in the interests of justice two weeks before trial.

How It Can Happen

Some insurance companies don’t like to pay claims. One of the ways these companies avoid paying valid claims is to review the policyholder’s initial application for alleged fraud. If they find an intentional and material misstatement of fact, they can deny coverage, retroactively cancel the insurance policy, and turn the case over to the federal government for criminal prosecution.

The insurance industry is serious about investigating insurance fraud. The industry has its own fraud institute that is staffed, in part, by private investigators who are former federal agents and prosecutors. Their job is to identify fraud on the policyholder’s application or claim, so the company won’t have to pay. Policyholders should treat an insurance fraud inquiry with the same gravity they would a federal criminal investigation.

Insurance brokers and agents are themselves subject to ever-increasing scrutiny by insurance regulators and federal prosecutors for fraud related to the selling and marketing of insurance products and misuse of premium funds.

I handle all types of insurance fraud investigations and charges, including health insurance fraud, life insurance fraud, catastrophic incident fraud, false insurance claims, homeowners’ insurance fraud, and auto accident insurance fraud – including allegedly staged accidents.

Contact an Insurance Fraud Defense Lawyer

Whether you are under investigation for filing false claims, insurance application fraud or fraudulent marketing of insurance products, you should speak to a lawyer who is experienced in federal insurance fraud defense. Feel free to contact me, white collar criminal defense attorney Solomon L. Wisenberg. From offices in Washington, D.C., I represent clients in insurance fraud inquiries throughout the U.S.

Under Investigation or Charged with a Federal Crime? Contact us now.

Have A Question?

Solomon L. Wisenberg
Taylor English Duma LLP
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036